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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Create Peace In The World

Be the gentle sovereign of your own mind! Choose to think happy thoughts. When negative, judgmental thoughts enter, say, “Thank you for sharing,” to your imaginative mind and move on. Practice focusing on the positive. You will create more peace in the world by being peaceful to yourself and those around you.When negative people invade your space, evaluate why you need their judgments or abusive language in your life. You are not doing yourself a favor by allowing negative talk in your presence. You can let the negative talkers know that you need peace in your life, and ask them to stop abusive or negative behavior and language.Let go if they can't stop the negativity. Send them love as you let them go. Whatever is going on with the person is not about you. By remaining centered and not judging, you can make the best decisions for yourself and for the other person.Remember that negative people who “push our buttons” are here to teach us that we have much work to do on creating peace within. Let go of all negative influences in your life so that you can build your own blissful, enlightened self. In the meantime, practice compassion with everyone you meet.Communicate from a place of love rather than lack. Remember no one is perfect.Take time for yourself to sit quietly and cultivate inner peace.Enjoy nature! Take walks in parks and local forests to connect to the earth. Say hello to people you meet on the path. Take time to appreciate a tree.Reach out to your neighbor with a homemade apple pie or some delicious veggie chili. Keep in mind that we are all connected. While you are cultivating peaceful thoughts and writing letters to help people across the globe, don’t forget those who live in the next house.Speak with peace. Yelling creates creates negative energy and harmful chemicals reactions in your body. Turn down the volume.
Take time to laugh. Laughter creates happy endorphins in the brain and spreads joy to others.
Create more peace within yourself everyday and then let that peace and joy spread to those around you.Find your faith that all will be well. One thing that we can control is how we choose to react to the world around us.We are capable of self-reflection and adjusting our behavior to better serve ourselves and the community. If you have lost your faith in the yourself or the world around you, search for it.Breathe deeply as often as possible. Your new peaceful mind, body and soul vibration will be felt by the world.

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